Goal of This Project:
I want to incorporate my art skills into the story to enhance the BCD reading experience because my art has always been crucial to creating the plot. That's the most basic explanation, but it's true. You can add images and videos on WattPad in between the text which is where I plan to post the story next. This will also be used to talk about my process for concept art.
A total of 88 sketches were made. I don't have a strict due date. I will complete them when I want to.
The Illustrations 33/92:
(NOTE: I don't intend to complete most of these chronologically)
Chapter 1 Gangrene

Watch Your Step
Eli sitting on the bus, reminiscing about a life she won’t share. Not an accurate reflection, but it's because of how closed off Eli is from the reader. We can summarize that she is an unhappy individual from the first chapter but she won't specifically say why. Even when bits of her past do come up, it's vague at times. A Perfect Blue by Satoshi Kon reference.

Lillian asks Eli a creepy question. Essentially: "Why didn't you kill the person you hurt?" Lillian should be in the seat close to the aisle. Her face is oddly sweet, but also uncanny to stare at.

Eli is given the blanket by Lillian in front of the entrance. I wanna make a parallel with Britt giving her his jacket. Lillian dresses Eli instead of her dressing herself.

Dress Up
Eli gets her signature green dress. She is uncomfortable and feels sexualized in such a small outfit, One thing I remembered from making my capstone is my professor saying "She's basically in a green dress, you wouldn't think she'd be in an asylum." I agree, but I also don't want to deviate too far away from it because I've drawn her like this for years now. Also, it's tied to the inner conflicts she's so private about.
Chapter 2 Soggy Towels

Seth wakes up to meet Eli, his new roommate. Introduction to Cell 14. It’s depressing to look at, hardly looks like a room. First environment focused illustration. I might include one of the building later down the road.

They Don't Stay For Long
Eli overhears something concerning while taking a crappy shower. People go missing in this place and that's just a normal Tuesday, This went through two different ideas, you can see that in the concept sketches.

No Soggy Towels for You!
Eli encounters the ever intimidating Cecilia. She has offered a clean towel to Eli. This has been redone due to original just looking creepy when it's not meant to be.

What Happens Around Here?
Eli asks Seth a question he can’t answer. He does this while touching his face or throat. Something Eli will get used to. Both this one and the one before is meant to mirror each other. Cecilia leans on her right, Seth to his left. One appearing cocky and relaxed, the other hardly present in the moment.
Chapter 3 Gone to Nowhere

You Have a Beautiful Face
While searching for Seth, Eli runs into Lillian. Who's wearing an unmarked summer uniform, which pleases Eli who's been horrifically embarrassed over being one of the few wearing one. Lillian's still a weirdo in Eli's eyes, yet there's clearly a spark in them too. Being validated by this woman feels rewarding, it's almost mesmerizing. She can't help but stare.

Gone To Nowhere
Britt is surprised that Eli is in fact not another guy. As much as I want to do a close up of him for an introduction shot, I should save that for later. As to Eli, he’s a threat. So showing off his height and having him be far away would work

Here's a Trick
Aftermath of Cecilia saving Eli from the staff bullying her. I like their dynamic, they're opposites in a lot of ways. They become friends through a common thread, Seth, yet I like to think if everyone escaped they'd be good friends and do things without him.
Chapter 4 Moldy Corners

That Should Be It
Cecilia and Seth give a shit summary about the Warden to Eli. Clearly leaving a lot out. Like you know…what she actually is. And everything else in this place. That totally won’t backfire in their faces when Eli becomes fed up with everyone and make ignorant decisions down the line…

How Do You Live With Yourself?
Eli is not happy with Britt and still doesn't trust him. How can you help patients in secret yet still act bystander in public? More or less why even chose to be a guard in the first place? Yet Eli is not considering that Britt and maybe other guards applied for altruistic reason or simply just needed a job. Not aware what they were signing up for.
Moments like this and the future fallout with Seth really emphasize Eli's character and age. She has legitimate reasons to be upset at the people around her, but does not approach them appropriately.
Salvaging Night
Chapter 5 Sick of Your Tone

I am Sick of Your Tones
Cecilia is brought to Seth and Eli's room in a hurry. Something terrible has happened and Seth is too ashamed to admit what. Anger and confusion circles Cecilia as she stares at the sleeping Eli. From a distance it looks like a girl walking in on a cheating partner. In a way it is, but I had Cecilia focus on Eli as she's wondering if HE did something to her. Completely ignoring whatever he has to say. Hence the shadows cast on him. Even though they have a long romantic history Cecilia would dropkick Seth in a second if he did something unforgivable.

Eli's brought back over to Cecilia's cell. She sleeps the whole day and awakes to a seemingly cheerful Cecilia. She has questions for her though.... I had lots of fun referencing myself for this one
Why Did I Do That?
Stop Thanking Me
Chapter 6 Leech

Really Cecilia?
Cecilia being an asshole to Eli and Britt about them being mutuals through Seth. Also the one time I break the art semi realistic art style
I'll Play Along for Now
You Love Me like a Leech
I Have Nothing!...NEITHER DO WE!
Aftermath of an explosive fight between Seth and Eli. All over some junk.
Chapter 7 Kiss Her Goodbye
I'd Like That

What Time Did I Go to Sleep?....You Didn't.
Eli awakes to Lillian standing above her like a weirdo. Reference to Rosemary’s Baby. For some reason, this one is the most terrifying one so far. I don't like the idea of someone watching me while I sleep. More or less hovering me. It's Lillian's lack of head that really sells it. But I love how it turned out.

Premium Dance
Eli and Lillian dance intimately in the medical cabinet. Lillian kisses her in an embrace. Eyes closed, with Lillian's open. Shadows that shouldn't exist overcast our happy protagonist as her crush kisses her.

Kiss Her Goodbye
This skeletal creature who Lillian refers to as Alexander suddenly impales her. So this is a redraw of a shot from my capstone that's shown for second. And a more complex story came from it. Because Lillian originally wasn't impaled in the draft. Eli was supposed to show up at Lillian's cell and be ambushed by Alexander. But Lillian being "killed"by Alexander opened up a whole other plot within the story. One difference I made between that and the capstone is Lillian trying to reach toward Alexander's arm. I really like how this turned out.
Chapter 8 Take Me
Flesh Maze Tango
Eli struggles to get away from Alexander. Expansion on the one creep shot where it looks like Alexander is about to pin Eli. It’s very uncomfortable and I hate everything about this. In a “good”way. Title is a nod to OFF’s OST

Little Lady in Green
Alexander haunts the lounge as Eli stays in hiding. His form breaks down in height to find her, the injury in his eye greatly effecting his right side. This is another callback to the capstone except now I can draw his skin going squish. In my dreams I am haunted by an alternate reality where I animated this scene more accurately. It'd be cool as hell but would've killed me.
Take Me Away From Here

Head Start
Britt buys Eli more time to run by being caught by Alexander. We finally see a proper close up of Britt and his character. He's a selfless dork who's trying to be his best in a terrible story. For himself and well, now, Eli. Even if that means smiling back at someone when there's oncoming danger sprinting at him. I struggle with drawing this fictional man sometimes I swear.
Chapter 9 Existing Through the Crowd
Why Couldn't I be like You?

Emergency Meeting
The Warden holds a meeting in search for some unruly patients who were scheming in Extremities. A whole door was torn open! Who’s going to pay for that? Willow is looking her most “normal” and its uncanny as hell. It would make sense that the Warden poses as both her W form and as Willow. She would have to appear normal to outsiders in order to lure more staff and patients.
What's Your Deal, Kid?
She Only Exists Through the Crowd
Chapter 10 Will He
Honey Child
No God Saw Me that Day
Will He?
Hot Breath
After wiping the floor with Dr. Zedd, the new duo fly through the halls of the central ward with Eli on a wheelchair. Despite the severity of their situation they can’t help but laugh as they run
I think this is my favorite so far. I've been saying that a lot but I think this is it.
Chapter 11 Under Those Lights

My Full Name is Elizabeth
Eli and Britt talk to each other about that fateful night, coming to an understanding and trust with each other. We see Eli through his eyes this time, despite everything being grim at the moment, Britt looks at her with a gentle gaze. I adore this piece as much Britt adores Eli.
Is This is Worth It?

Under Those Lights
The elevator ride up to quarantine, Britt laments not knowing things were this bad. Far away shot as the elevator ascends, Britt’s head is low and Eli looks up. They are way in over their heads.
I do enjoy these far away drawings. I like the scale they set and loneliness they bring. Despite them being difficult to draw expressions and to keep proportions consistent. For example, both Britt and Eli's heads were massive before the photoshop edits.
Yes It Is.
Chapter 12 A Stranger Wears Her Face
You're Not on the List
A Stranger Wears Her Face
Who Do You Think You Are?!
I Don't Know Anymore
Chapter 13 Freckled Flatline
We Don't Know What We're Doing
You're Vague as Ever Seth
Freckled Flatline
Will I be Remembered?
Chapter 14 Leprosy
...Why Now?
She's Got Supernatural Fucking Leprosy!

Why Do You Care For Me?
Eli is carried off by Britt, He’s clearly conflicted but still chooses to stick by her side despite the warning signs. Because leaving her behind would be cruel and she is still Eli in his eyes. A true testament to his character as well as the rapidly developing relationship between the two.

Because I Want To
Britt gives Eli his jacket for her to rest on. She accepts it, trying it on. This is like the third time Eli has smiled....I think?
Eli being happy is always a rare treat.
Chapter 15 Something Under His Skin
We Really Don't Anybody Here

I Am Afraid
Eli and Britt wake up to blood curdling scream. Finding its source they're met with an impossible sight.
Something Under Seth's Skin
And We Don't Know How To Help Ourselves
Chapter 16 Watch Yourself
I'm Done Watching You From Afar

Cecilia's Demise
Cecilia is found in a horrible state by Eli and Britt, she’s missing her legs but is alive. Redraw of my background animation from 2019. This is the first illustration I've done because I already had the sketch from way back then. Only major changes was growing Cecilia's hair back and removing a machine.
That Was Easy
Watch Yourself From Me
This is Pathetic
Tell Me it's You
Chapter 17 Lovesick
What Would They Want?

We Are Lovesick
Eli comforts Britt as he recalls what became of Seth, wishing he could’ve done more. Giving him a small peck on the forehead for luck. Although let's not beat around the bush, it's more than luck.
Few things: I had to draw Eli's hand in photoshop because while inking this I made it far too tiny. I also had to downsize Britt, cause these 2 have a massive height difference but I'm not making it uncomfortable.... I think it looks better to have Eli appear "taller" too as she initiates the affection instead of the other party.
What Did I Want From Him?
GOD Just Shut Up Eli!
Our Guilt Will Die With Us
Chapter 18 Radiation
I'm Not Ready for That My Dear

Hold Onto Me Tight
After asking Britt if they want to do something after escaping this mess, they hold hands and look to the courtyard doors. People are yelling to close the doors behind it. It's him. And it's tough to see but he indeed has a weapon. This isn't going to end well.
This is a combination of another project you can find in my traditional page. I intend to base more of this chapter's illustrations based off of that giant poster that looms over me when I work.
Fall into My Eyes
Behind Closed Doors
Chapter 19 My Special Escort
The Mayfly
I Don't Want to Just Wish Anymore
My Special Escort

You're A Human Being
Eli accepts his hug. For a brief moment, everything is alright…We don't have to think about what just happened in the last 4 chapters. It's just you and me and all our regrets over what we could've done differently. And yet Eli's still holding onto the metal pipe.
I've been faced with the question "How responsible are the anomalies for their actions given their circumstances?" They didn't ask for this and can clearly still retain some level of consciousness and choice. As seen here. It's a chicken vs the egg problem; did being an anomaly make them violent or were they always like that? Coming as the creator who's gone back and forth on the implications, I feel more comfortable saying it's a case by case situation. Some people are born evil and some are groomed to become evil. And all in between. Regardless they are all human somewhere in there.
I don't think OEB was born evil. I just think he's incredibly unlucky and chose to give into violence because he felt he had nothing to lose in this life. Despite having those around him who still care and can come to love him. He ironically couldn't see that. It's tragic. Alright philosophical rant over.
Nothing is Sacred
We Were Doomed From the Start
Chapter 20 Asphyxiation
But I Haven't Given Up on You Yet
The One Eyed Beast's Head
I am Lilith
Right Back at You