In the Fall of 2020, I decided to create a challenge to honor the work of the artist MOTHY with his Evillious Chronicles series. It's a multimedia franchise (songs, novels, etc) that has overlaying lore revolving around the deadly sins, gods, demons, and magic and how they cause tragedy for the humans of his fictional world. I took inspiration from other challenges like Inktober to create my list and then posted updates each day in October 2020. This is the second time I've completed a month-long challenge, but this time it was unique as it was made by me. It was quite the experience juggling this and being in quarantine on campus. Unfortunately, I did suffer burnout as a result, which was poor timing for my preproduction class about our capstones. Yet I don't regret what I accomplished, even if it's a rather small achievement. I hope to do either more of his songs, as there are more I left out, or another month's challenge.
2022 Edit: I'm adding my thoughts and ideas behind each one even though it's 2 years after the challenge. I do apologize for any confusion the notes might bring, I'm not going to go into the lore of Evillious. It took me a long time to fully understand this series. Just trust me on this.

Barisol's Child Is an Only Child:
First one and we already run into a major issue: lack of borders. I don't know what compelled me to make the decision to not have set borders, but I've learned my lesson. Even so, I still like it. I wish I included more beheaded dolls and pieces. Or included knives like in the thumbnail sketches.

Project MA
A very sweet image if you don't know the context behind it. The little heart in the steam, the fallen apple, and Seth Twiright looming in the backroom is the only hint there's something off

Escape of the Salmhofer Witch
I planned to make this mirror Moonlit Bear. So it's said that Eve is not holding 2 abnormally large apples.

Moonlit Bear
I have no clue what happened to the lighting. This song is so eerie to me. Eve doesn't look as sweet as in Project Ma, that smile is wrong. As if she's holding back tears and bearing a grin.

MA Survival
This is a redraw from the song's official PV. With the addition of a broken "red" flower that "blooms" from Elluka's back.

Whereabouts of the Miracle
If my memory serves me right, I struggled on this one. But I wanted to showcase Kiril giving up Elluka's body to the unknown. It's not clear that there are two people there, if I could go back I'd add 2 extra hands. Or dragon eyes cause of what happens right after.

The Song I Heard Somewhere
Nothing to really add on but a magical cat looking upon this weird explosion in the forest.

Abandoned on a Moonlit Night
The lack of a border really distracts from the illustration. Still, I think I got my point across: 2 kids were abandoned in the forest but they got each other. I sure hope they don't unleash the 7 deadly sins onto this world and wreak havoc across centuries.

Chrono Story
I almost wish that Elluka didn't swap her body, because her design in Chrono Story is gorgeous. It's slept on too much. My only complaint at myself is that Eve blends too much into the fire. She's hard to see properly.

The Lunacy of Duke Venomania
This is the most modest way I could've drawn this song. I decided to portray my favorite relationship in the novel adaption, Venomania, and the Red Cat Sorceress, IR. I should've included the cat so viewers can make connections to the Song I've Heard Somewhere prompt.

Evil Food Eater Conchita
This is also the tamest way I could've portrayed this song. I didn't know how to draw grotesque meals. So again, I showed what I enjoyed the most about the novel, the relationships. I fumbled Conchita's face if it wasn't obvious, so I covered it with her hair.

The Daughter of Evil
I wanted to do something special for this one and its brother, They're both connected across the two pages in my sketchbook. I wanted to depict Allen and Riliane at very different points in their relationship. A tyrannical, melodramatic princess forcing her servant to kneel before her.

The Servant of Evil
In stark contrast, the princess is now on her knees dressed as her servant, now full of regret and confusion. Her twin is prepared to take the fall in her place, even if it means he'll be evil too. I'm surprised no one has noticed the mirror shines cutting through Allen's neck in both illustrations. These songs are what introduced me to this confusing rabbit hole, so they're incredibly important to me.

Regret Message
What more can I say about it, this song is pretty depressing. I'm not sure if I should've included Clarith in the background or not. It's a nice detail of what's happening behind the mourning Riliane's back but is confusing given the prompt afterward. Here Clarith is about to attempt to stab Riliane but is happy with Michaela in the following one.

The Daughter of White
This is such an important and heartfelt song to me. And probably many others. A lot of Vocaloid songs were my first positive introductions to LGBT themes. I respect MOTHY so much for not making Michaela just the mistress, she can't even be considered that. Or make Clarith's love unrequited.

Handbeat Clocktower
This was the song that made me realize: "oh no, there's a lot more going on". I wish I made Ney's dagger more prominent, it blended into the forest surrounding them.

The Gift from the Princess Who Brought Sleep
I got to be honest, I really don't like this one. The non-existent borders, Kasper, the bed, and Margarita herself. If I could redo this, now having read the novel, I'd choose the scene where Margarita drinks her "gift".

Fifth Pierrot
Another one I struggled with, but not as bad as Sleeping Princess. I don't know if it's the lack of shading but it's difficult to see Lemy's body. The bullet holes are a bit weird too. But I wanted to incorporate the grieving Julia and Lemy being taken away by Ney and Conchita.

The Tailor of Enbizaka
I found my bearings again in this prompt. Again, the issue of the weapon being obscured, but it's still an unsettling drawing for an unsettling song.

Last Revolver
I don't know why I attempted to draw another man lying dead. But it's way better than Sleep Princess. Sometimes I wish I can go back to when I first heard songs like this, Servant of Evil, Survival MA, Moonlit Bear, etc. When I was ignorant and not knowing what to expect

Miniature Garden Girl
A serene picture for a calming song. I find it quite sad, to be honest for a variety of reasons. This is one of my favorites because nothing went wrong or looked weird. I cannot recall if I didn't sketch with a pencil before inking, which might explain a lot.

Judgment of Corruption
There's something funny about this one. Gallerian acts like everything is fine while having a staring contest with a revolver. This is pretty accurate to the text, he's pretty accepting of his fate by the time Nemesis shows up.

The Muzzle of Nemesis
I believe this is a redraw from the official music video. Nemesis is such a cool but warped character. I am proud of myself for not messing up the revolver, I don't think I did it justice in the previous prompt.

Master of the Graveyard
Finally, I draw Conchita's face right! This one was fun to create, her servants dragging in a fresh meal as she talks casually with MA. My one issue is MA's hair, I should've committed to making shines in her black hair or filling it completely.

Heartbeat Clocktower
Another favorite, very emotional and dynamic with the onlookers. Conchita's indifferent to the doll's healing while MA is pleased. Perhaps the spirals are overkill but I think I added them about the wind representing the doll. Or magic in general. I googled old man clutching his heart as a reference.

Master of the Court
I feel proud of the Evils Theater arc in this challenge. Because each one turned out alright and was the most fun I had making them. The doll sitting in a chair way too big for her, MA's smoking pipe clouding her vision, and Gammon being shrouded by it. Also a cute interaction between the Waiter and the Servants.

Capriccio Farce
This one is my favorite, hands down. It's also the most popular one on my Instagram, I wonder if it's obvious that this is also one of my favorite songs in EC. It's so chaotic and evil sounding, I hope to translate some of that into this illustration.

Master of the Hellish Yard
This is sadly my 2nd least favorite one. Everything but Punishment isn't as satisfying. I think I was rushing or was busy on this one. I wanted to show Nemesis' despair after succumbing to wrath and despair because of MA. And well including her true form in the shadows. I wish I included Elluka as well.

Banica Concerto!
They are such a great group, the woman who became a demon from eating it, 2 death Gods, failed reincarnations of Gods, the incarnation of Sin, and her boyfriend.

The Karma of Evil Will Not End
For the last two prompts, I decided to use all of the paper. I'm mostly proud of how this came out, I was looking forward to drawing the very villain of this story facing her very cruel punishment. Maybe one thing I'd change is to have Maria's reincarnations face her or maybe look over their shoulders. Also, have Julia and AB-CIR swap places.

Master of the Heavenly Yard
I decided to go all out and include as many characters as I can. As well as a lot of details. Seth notices Banica yawning in boredom, planning on approaching her after all this is done. Hansel and Gretel are happy for the twins' reunion, Nemesis thumbs up, and Gumilia also gives a thumbs up. Venomania flirting with Kayo in front of both their lovers ( I can't believe I predicted a future song) and Yukina looking on in confusion. I tried to include everyone relevant to this 15-minute song. I don't even think I even got them all, it would've been too much if I tried any further.