2024 BCD Height Chart and Character Notes
This is was a very fun and useful project to put together. All of them were in need of character sheets and notes as well as an official height chart. This allows me to reference both appearances and pick colors more consistently across any project I want to do with these fools.

The BCD Concept Sketches
Lists and notes are the 1st steps in coming up with ideas. I wanted to frame these sketches as if they were concept art for an animated film. I will share the notes I made with each final illustration as well as the films and shows I referenced. There are references to my animations and art throughout this project. I love making callbacks.
If I "star-ed" something it means I'm not satisfied with the sketch and want to experiment more with it. I'm utilizing my light pad for the illustrations. First I make a refined sketch on 8x11 paper and then place a 9x12 piece on top for the ink work. I'm planning on emulating the style of the Danse Macabre project I did earlier this year.

Costume Sketches, 2022
Concept art for a collaboration with a friend and 20 plus artists.
Miniature Garden Girl Concept Sketches
Another project that's on pause due to me wanting to complete BCD. Miniature Garden Girl is a song by Mothy and is apart of the Evillious Chronicles series. Go see Clocktober 2020 for more info.
Eli Ref, 2021
The main character of Take Me. Her hair became so much redder over time, she's a strawberry blonde. Whoops. Maybe one day she won't be called a little kid.
Britt Ref, 2021
The MVP of the story. The last name changed too.
Alexander Ref, 2021
He became a lot more grotesque over time in the project. Also got eyes and a mouth in some shots! Good for him.
Lillian Ref, 2021
The gremlin who "dies" in the beginning.
Full "Human" Lineup, 2021
While 2 of the characters shown do not appear in Take Me, I wanted to compile them all together like this.
Watermelon Salamanders, Kid and Salamander Designs, 2021
Designs for the 24-hour challenge. I had fun coming up with the child's design, I combined the 2 middle children to make the final design.

Rough Animatic for Take Me, 2021
Some things stayed, and other things didn't.

Concept Art for Take Me, 2021
This was the point when I decided to do chapter 8 for my capstone. The top left drawing on Eli is a redraw of the Take Me Prototype animation.

Evil Sun Concept Sprites, 2020
I got to design another antagonist, the Sun. Here's concept art of what his different animations would've been if FUSE didn't perish in 2020.

Concept Art for Early Bird, 2020
While I didn't design the Rooster's final design, I got to make some concept art for him.
Concept Art for The Raccoon Bandit, 2020
I did the design for the main antagonist, he's so cute.

Stay Calm Storyboard #18, 2018
Neut is confronted with the darkest parts of themselves, pretending you don't have a problem won't make it go away.

Storyboard for Stay Calm, 2018
The rather rough scan of the storyboard.

Sprites for Neut, 2018
Sprite art for the game that doesn't exist. Plus the death animation.
Concept Art for Neut, short for Neutral, 2018.
Inspiration was heavily taken from Oyasumi Pun Pun