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Take Me, Behind Closed Doors: 2021-22
My capstone that I spent the 2nd half of my junior year and the whole senior year developing. A lot of love and patience went into it. Check out the Senior Capstone blog link for more details on that.

Smoke Simulation for Fun, 2021
I was curious and wanted to make another simulated thing in Cinema 4D, so I followed another YouTube tutorial.
Water Simulation, 2021
I had to learn how to simulate something new in Cinema 4D
LowMan Lipsync Test, 2021
Reference is from Trolls 2
Character Rig, 2021
Attempting to rig a model in Adobe Animate, made a character based on me.
LowMan Walk Test, 2021
Reference is Angel's Egg
LowMan Face Rig, 2021
Reference was some of the faces from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Super cursed LowMan Content.
Bowling Ball Drop Test, 2021
Dome Animation 2020
A love letter to my dog Athena and my previous dog Max. Meant to be shown in a planetarium for FUSE 2020, but Covid happened. Was at last shown in FUSE 2022. If I could go back I'd take the circular space into more consideration.
Bandit Raccoon, 12to12, 2020
Both are my contributions to the 12to12 Bradley Challenge.
Logo, but Animated, 2020(?)

The Snow is Falling, 2020
Snow test in Photoshop decided to add my characters for fun

Take Me Prototype, 2019
Lip sync and story attempt. This is the basis of my senior capstone and man what a difference there is. The line was "kill me" instead of "take me". I believe I changed it because that's such a drastic thing to say. "Are you going to take me?" is a pretty vague question and leaves way more up to the imagination.
Cecilia's Demise, 2019
A background centric animation, possibly one of my favorites. One of my animation peers said upon seeing it for the first time: "I feel like she's going to wake up any second". And they're not wrong.
One Day, 2019
A walk cycle test, I had fun animating my two main characters together for the first time. My professor commented about how domestic it was, comparing his married life to theirs. This made me really happy because these two being together makes me comfortable.
Lillian's Suspicious, 2019
Anticipation was the goal. It's the first animation with Eli and Lillian! I didn't need to add Eli turning around and covering her mouth, but I did anyways.
The One Eyed Beast's Head, 2019
A squash and stretch test. I come out of the gates in this class with a gross eyeball head falling and snapping.
Stay Calm, 2018
A cutscene for a game we had to make in unity that does not exist anymore. And I'm personally fine with that. The deeper message is about my existential dread of being diagnosed as depressed and that I need medication to "stay calm".